Centre for Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham University
Pernilla Danielsson.
INTERSECT: a Parallel Corpus Project
Raphael Salkie,
The INTERSECT (International Sample of English Contrastive Texts) Project at Brighton University began in the Spring of 1994. The aim is to construct and analyse a parallel bilingual corpus of French and English written texts, adding other languages later if resources permit.
The Contrastive Grammar Research Group.
University of Gent.
A project involving the construction of multilingual corpora for
French, Greek and some others, for use in language pedagogy.
Building tools for multilingual corpus access, and also a bunch of
sample corpora. Contact veronis@lpl.univ-aix.fr
Parallel and comparable corpora in Eastern European languages.
A Scandinavian Project to build multilingual
(english/swedish/norwegian/finnish) parallel corpora. Contact
7. English-Norwegian Parallel Corpus Project
Information on English-Norwegian Parallel Corpus (University of Oslo);
includes an on-line search facility
Knut Hofland has also set up an interesting web-based search engine for some English-French texts.
TRIPTIC: TRIlingual Parallel Text Information Corpus
TRIPTIC is a trilingual corpus developed for the analysis
of prepositions in English, French and Dutch.
The corpus forms part of the empirical data used for
research on the contrastive analysis of prepositions (PhD thesis).
The object of the study, which assumes the cognitive
linguistic framework, is to examine in which way languages
converge and diverge in the semantic structure of so-called
function words.
The corpus consists of 2,000,000 words, one half fiction, the other half non-fiction material. All paragraphs are aligned, allowing automatic selection of the n-th paragraph in the 3 languages.
The original text files have been converted into a database structure (4th Dimension on Macintosh), in order to facilitate the description of the prepositions under study.
Translation Corpus of English and German
Prof. Schmied at the Technical University Of Chemnitz-Zwickau is compiling a translation corpus of English and German
Atkins, S., Clear J. H and Ostler N.
Brill, Eric and Philip Resnik. 1994. A Rule-Based Approach To Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation. COLING-94.
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Quirk, R. 1992. On Corpus Principles and Design. In Svartik, J. (ed) Directions in Corpus Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
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Aarts, J. 1991. Intuition-Based and Observation-Based Grammars. In Aijmer, K and B. Altenberg (eds), English Corpus Linguistics. London: Longman.
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Barlow, M. Forthcoming. Parallel texts in linguistic analysis. In In M. Barlow and S. Kemmer (eds.) Usage-based models of language.
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Biber, D. 1988. Variation across speech and writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Church, K., W. Gale, P. Hanks and D. Hindle. 1991. Using statistics in lexical analysis. In U. Zernik (ed.) Lexical Acquisition. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Erlbaum. 115--64.
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Grefenstette, G. 1994. Explorations in automatic thesaurus discovery Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Klavans, Judith L. and Evelyne Tzoukermann. 1989. Movement Verbs in English-French Translation: A Corpus-based Approach. Proceedings of the Sixth Israeli Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. Tel Aviv, Israel.
Resnik, Philip. WordNet and Distributional Analysis: A Class-based Approach to Lexical Discovery. AAAI Workshop on Statistically-based NLP Techniques.
Resnik, Philip. 1993. Semantic Classes and Syntactic Ambiguity. Proceedings of the 1993 ARPA Human Language Technology Workshop. Morgan Kaufmann.
Resnik, Philip and Marti Hearst. 1993. Syntactic Ambiguity and Conceptual Relations. Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Very Large Corpora. 58--64.
Resnik, Philip. 1993. Selection and Information: A Class-Based Approach to Lexical Relationships. Unpublished Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania.
Resnik, Philip. 1995. Using Information Content to Evaluate Semantic Similarity in a Taxonomy. IJCAI-95.
Resnik,Philip. 1995. Disambiguating Noun Groupings with Respect to WordNet Senses. Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Sampson, G. 1987. Evidence Against the ``Grammatical''/``Ungrammatical'' Distinction. In W. Meijs (ed) Corpus Linguistics and Beyond. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Sinclair, J. 1991. Corpus, concordance, collocation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stenstrom, A-B. & J. Svartvik. 1994. Imparsable speech: Repeats and nonfluencies in spoken English. In N. Oostdijk & P. de Haan (eds) Corpus-based research into language. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 241-254.
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Stubbs, M. 1995. Collocations and semantic profiles: On the cause of the trouble with quantitative studies. Functions of Language 2, 1: 23--55.
White, Owen and Ted Dunning. 1993. Computational tools for DNA sequence analysis. In Mark Adams, Chris Fields and J. Craig Venter (eds) Automated DNA Sequencing and Analysis. Academic Press, London.
White, Owen, Ted Dunning, Sutton Granger, Mark Adams, J. Craig Venter and Chris Fields. 1993. A quality control algorithm for DNA sequencing projects. Nucleic Acids Research, 21, 16.
Barlow, M. 1992. Using Concordance Software in Language Teaching and Research. In Shinjo, W. et al. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology. Kasugai, Japan: LLAJ & IALL
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and German.
The corpus at present includes EC-material, academic textbooks, modern
fiction and tourist brochures (approx. 500000 words altogether). The
researchers are currently looking at aspects such as culture-specific
problems in translation or translationese.
hildegard.schaeffler@phil.tu-chemnitz.de or
Corpora projects Språkteknologi, University of Uppsala
Erik Tjong Kim Sang sent email about a project in Sweden which is currently working on structuring two multilingual text corpora and integrating them with lexical resources they have available. The prime goal for the resulting corpus is applying it for research in Machine Translation. Anna Sågvall-Hein is the project leader.
Thai On-Line Library TOLL of parallel Thai/English texts.
Canadian HansardWeb-searchable.
Embassy English texts
Embassy French texts
LDC material: on ftp.cis.upenn.edu:/pub/ldc. Tends to be expensive if priced with respect to individual corpora. Includes Canadian Hansard and EC materials.
European Corpus Initiative (ECI) have produced a cheap CD-ROM which contains a wide variety of corpora, including some non-aligned parallel texts.
Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen
Germanistisk institutt
P.b. 1004, Blindern
N-0315 Oslo
e-mail: c.f.hansen@german.uio.no