
ParaConc is a bilingual or multilingual concordancer that can be used in contrastive analyses, language learning, and translation studies/training. Although still officially in beta, ParaConc is quite well-known and is being used at a variety of institutions around the world. See users/projects below.

Pricing. The (educational) price of the software will be $95 (see the ParaConc flyer). A two-year 15-user site licence is $750. See for commercial pricing. To order, visit or send email to

Current users can send email to Athelstan to receive the latest build (269). A pdf version of the manual is available.

Users can join the ParaConc mailing list.

A demo is now available. (In the demo the number of hits is restricted to 150 and the results cannot be saved or printed.)

ParaConc Descriptions

Short paper (pdf)

Brief Overview of Features

Alignment: Utiltity for semi-automatic alignment. The alignment was recently changed (Build 269), but the info in the flyer gives a general overview.
Searching: Simple text search; Regular expression search; Tag search; and Parallel Search
Translations: Search for potential translations in results window. Also Hot Words feature suggests possible translations and collocates.
Font Support: ParaConc can now be used more easily with Chinese, Japanese and Korean
Collocate Frequency Span: Collocates of spans from 1L-1R to 4L-4R
Collocate highlighting: Collocates of the search term are highlighted in colour in the concordance lines. This allows the combination of (visual) collocate frequency information with the usual presentation of concordance patterns.
Advanced Sort : Primary and Secondary Sorting of results. Advanced Sort option allows primary, secondary and tertiary sorting. Also sorting on ends of words, sorting according to the value of tracked tags.
Advanced Collocation: Program counts collocations in various ways. A useful Span feature has been introduced. Once a search has been completed, the user chooses a span (2 to 5 words) and the software calculates the most frequent collocations of the specified size containing the search word.
Save As: Various saving options, including Save As Html file, which gives a coloured picture of the search results for display on the web.


There is a growing ParaConc community and an obvious need to share expertise. To subscribe to the paraconc users list, send email to Below is a general description of people and projects associated in some way with ParaConc.

Various/Chinese-English?Pernilla Danielsson
Centre for Corpus Research
University of BirminghamUsing Parallel Corpora in the Bilingual Classroom Danielsson and Mahlberg
VariousSerge SharoffCentre for Translation Studies
University of Leeds
Translation training
VariousSSIMITAston's Corpus use and learning to translate
VariousDorothy Kenny and Gaby SaldanhaDublin City UniversityTemporary trial -- translation course
VariousLynne BowkerUniversity of OttowaTemporary trial -- translation course
VariousUniversity of Oslo
Learner corporaSylviane GrangerUCL
Arabic-EnglishSattar IzwainiUMIST Building specialised corpora for translation studies
Chinese-EnglishMarjorie ChanOhio State University
Chinese-EnglishWallace Chen
Chinese/WaRichard Kunst
Justin Watkins
SOASWa Dictionary Project
Czech-EnglishDominik LukesParallel corpus available
Czech-EnglishFrantisek Cermak and
Alexandr Rosen
Charles UniversityCzech National Corpus
Danish-English??Henrik GottliebCenter for Translation Studies and Lexicography, University of Copenhagen
French-EnglishRaf SalkieUniversity of BrightonUsing parallel corpora in translation
French-EnglishGeoffrey Williams
French-English?Noëlle SerpolletLancaster University
German-English??Brigitta.MittmannUniversity of Augsburg
German-English??Ilse FriedeFriedrich-Schiller-Universitaet
German-EnglishJuliane House and
Nicole Baumgarten
University of Hamburg
Hungarian-EnglishMonika Szirmai
Italian-EnglishMare Hédiard??
Italian-English??Margherita UlrychScuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Trieste
Italian-EnglishFederico Zanettin??Bilingual Comparable Corpora and the Training of Translators
Japanese-EnglishCHUJO, KiyomiNihon UniversityJapanese-English Newspaper
Japanese-EnglishHIDAI, Shigeyuki
Japanese-EnglishOHARA, Kyoko HiroseKeio University
Japanese-EnglishYAMAMOTO, RyoichiTeikyo University of Science & Technology
Japanese-EnglishKONDO, FumikoUniversity of Birmingham (PhD Student)Aligning Japanese-English text; corpus linguistics
Korean-English??LEE, ChungminSeoul National University
SlavicC.E. Keijsper and A. Barentsen, Amsterdam?
SloveneS. Vintaarticle
Spanish-EnglishJuan Zarandon Fernández
Spanish-English??Margarita Pinos Pérez
Swedish?Karin Aijmer, P-O Nilsson,
A-L Fredriksson
Göteborg University
Swedish?Ulf MagnussonLuleĺ University of Technology
Turkish-EnglishChris Meeder
Xhosa, etc.Kim WallmachUNISA
??Paul JohnstonUMIST
??Szilvia PappUniversity of Portsmouth

Other resources

Compiling Japanese-Russian Aligned Parallel Corpus